Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lifestyle - The Democratic National Convention/Barack Obama as Nominee

If you haven't been watching it you should, I'm not really into politics but the The Democratic National Convention (DNC) started August 25th and finishes on the 28th and it's very interesting. Now of course you should tune in because it's historic, but for the relevance of the blog- tune in to check out the top-notch suits these politicians will be rockin and of course of Barack Obama. Politicians have such a clean, usually well-tailored and classic style. If you want to know how you should look going into the office or to a job interview take notes from them.

The DNC is being held in Denver, Colorado at the Pepsi Center. U.S. Senator Barack Obama is the Democratic Nominee.

Check out some of the pictures from DNC:

Craig Robinson, brother of Future First Lady Michelle Obama

Former opponent, now supporter Hillary Clinton

Democratic Committe Chairman Howard Dean

Illinois State Senate President Emil Jones

John Kerry

John Legend performed

New York Governor David Peterson

Representative Dennis Kucinich

Reg Weaver (of the Democratic Educational Center)

Senator Patrick Leahy

US Senator Edward Kennedy

Future Vice President Joe Biden

Jesse Jackson Jr.

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle

The Future First Family (Michele, Sasha and Malia)


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