Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Local Event - Sneakerness @ Theater National in Bern (CH) was awesome!

2fresh4yall was representing at the first Sneakerness in Bern

For first and almost....everything went wrong on this September 27., 2008! My new cam didn't work, the train and one of ma boyzz was late..but anyway..the event was as expected great! We had a good time and I went home with two pairs...lol

Sneakerness offered everything you can get out of the swiss market, sure there is much more potential but for the biggest part it was a succesful event...! I was missing some of my favorite brands like Supra, Creative Recs (they had a small stand..more to come i hope), ect. but I think everybody agrees...we need more of THIS!

Impressive was the pimpin section...pics and vids after a bit!

Congrats and a big THANK YOU to Sneakerness...that was just the awesome beginning of a great future!

I gonna stop bragin now and will let you take a look......enjoy!

I know you are missing the interwies with the founders...more to come...i promise!;-)

For everybody who missed the event....Sneakerness will grow bigger in Zurich soon...stay tuned!

2fresh4yall will be there to represent...!

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