Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fashion - Heartless: New Luxury Men's Lifestyle Emporium

“Gosh, I didn’t know this was here,” tends to be the reaction from customers who discover Heartless for the first time. Based in Buckhurst Hill, Essex, Heartless is a luxury men’s lifestyle emporium where the modern man can purchase a myriad of the most directional fashion brands alongside a selection of art, furniture, fine grooming products and vintage luggage. Everything in Heartless is available for purchase.

Heartless, the concept, was born in early 2007 after local fashion maven, James Brown, wanted to have the best men’s fashion available on his doorstep.

“I was really fed up with two things,” says James. “Having to go into Central London to pick up classic pieces like YSL and Bottega and not being able to get the more directional Japanese brands like Mastermind Japan anywhere else in the UK let alone London. I’ve always been interested in fashion so I decided to start my own store. Heartless is all about dark and brooding glamour; we have a heart but it’s black!”

That makes my heart beat faster....!lolll

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