Monday, October 6, 2008

Gadget - HOT new gaget! Concept phone "Separate Keitai"

If that ain’t fresh, I don’t know what is. This intuitive concept phone was recently unveiled at CEATAC Japan 2008, by NTT DoCoMo Inc., and it may may ultimately change the the mobile game up once again, in the same sense that Apple’s iPhone did.

The “Separate Keitai” is actually not one phone, but two. Each part is synced with each other via Bluetooth, and can attach and reattach by a simple magnet, just like Voltron. The Separate Keitai has the ability to connect vertically (above), horizontally with different features emphasized for each form; the vertical attachment brings up a numeric keypad, while the horizontal attachment brings up a QWERTY keyboard or Gamepad.

While your is making a call, it’s possible to check your email or electronic schedule on the separate unit, or even use it as an MP3 player, hence the title of choice for this article. But don’t salivate too much over this bad boy, its only a prototype with no schedule for practical application.