Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2fresh4yall - Fashion Trends 2008/2009

2008 was a great year fashionwise. First of all lets go over some Fashion Trends we had the past year. Let's show them floks whats 2fresh4yall all about. This time I was the model..so check my swagg...;-)

We had the skinny ties....

..we had the scarf trend of course, also worn by people who didn't know how to wear them....

...then there were the flannel shirts...

..we had them skinny jeans, which I personaly digg, I'm was tired of the baggy style...lol...

...the N.E.R.D. glasses indeed!

..and the cardigan...whitch I got like 20..in all different colors...lol

For this year it's okk to go with the past years trends, with some exepctions whitch weren't trends like boat shoes, thick glasses, ect., but I would minimize the purchase of arab scarfs, as also flannel shirts if you life in a stylishly advanced city. Skinny jeans look nice on some guys but don't wear them just because it's a trend. Wear stuff you feel confortable in. And don't forget the 2fresh4yall slogan:


So we are done with the past year. Let's focuse on the Fashion Trends for 2009. I did some rechearching and figured out the trends which I think will be IN this year.

The bow tie i rocked already the past year...

The Monochromatic style...It's all about wearing one colour...

and Varsity...no matter if cardigans, jackets or sweaters...

Staty tuned and give me a feedback...what do you think?