Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2fresh4yall - Kanye Style Update

Photo: Peggy Sirota

Stylistically, Kanye no longer seems like a sugar-deprived kid in a candy store. Yes, he’s still flashy and attitudinal. But whereas he used to look like he was flaunting all those luxury labels, now he looks like he’s expressing himself through them.

"At photo shoots, people are always tryingto put that fucking Day-Glo suit on me: ‘Kanye West is gonna wear this Day-Glo suit.’ No, Kanye West is not! I might wear a Day-Glo pocket square. Or socks. But I’m a normal human being! Kanye West is not your hanger. With this outfit here, I wasn’t trying to say anything—it’s just what appealed to me. It’s instinct: color. Fabric. The way it feels on you. I feel like the outfit was a 95 percenter. I had on the mid-cut Common Projects. But as soonas I got home, I’m looking at the low-cut Common Projects, and I’m like, ‘That would’ve looked better. Maybe they can do something with that in Photoshop."'
