Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gadget/Design - Screen Excellence VistaCurve Projection Screen

It’s true that development of widescreen plasma TVs with a high contrast ratio is a human endeavor of bringing home a theatrical experience. Making the unbelievable believable, Screen Excellence – known for making acoustically transparent, woven fabric screens for the home and commercial use — introduces its new range of curved screens called VistaCurve. Exploiting the manufacturer’s new Enlightor 4K (EN4K) screen material formation technology, the latest screens offer 1.78:1 or 2.37:1 aspect ratios. The EN4K is the one-of-a-kind acoustically transparent screen material designed especially for high-end wide screen theaters. With the help of their cutting-edge technology and quality woven screen fabrics, the screens provide acoustic transparency and high picture quality. Available in widths from 80” to 160”, the VistaCurve with a slight curve sets you back at a starting price of $5,800.

Be sure to watch the whole video.....
