"What’s better than a Louis Vuitton monogram bag? A Louis Vuitton bag with your own monogram on it!"
That's the thinking behind the house’s Mon Monogram service (which means My Monogram in English). Louis Vuitton has been allowing customers to personalize luggage and smaller items like wallets for a while, but you can now put your initials on its signature Speedy 30 or Keepall Bandoulière 55 bags. While placing your order, you can choose from 114 color combinations, the initials of your choice, as well as many striping options. What makes the label’s Mon Monogram service even better is that you don’t have to worry about ever losing the personal touch on your bag because the canvas is given a special coating after your logo has been painted on.
However, it cannot be found on LouisVuitton.com, it can only be ordered in select boutiques at this time. There is a wait time of 8 weeks, be sure to verify that when ordering yours.
Your own initials will bump up the $700 price tag on a Speedy bag up to a pretty $1,000 !
Your own initials will bump up the $700 price tag on a Speedy bag up to a pretty $1,000 !
Nice to know!