Wednesday, December 3, 2008

News - Kanye West Press Coference in Singapore

I'm kind of in a good mood today, after having a long discussion with a couple of Kanye haters till they had no more arguments. I mean you don't have to like him, but you can't denye that he's crative. Check this short conference while he had his performacne in Singapore.

I noticed now, as I running my blogg and I'm discussing some posts with different people, so also different oppinions, that there are just Kanye Lovers or Haters, nothing in between. I mean I really digg what is doin, his crativity n shit, I'm not talkin about this "IhaveToWinAnAward" attitude. Please take your time and give me some interesting arguments (PRO and CONTRA) so i could change my minde....TELL ME FOLKS..

What do you think?!

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